Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Kenneth Grant





[27 April 1945]



[McMurtry begins by writing] to see if anything was wrong [and wishes Grant was] here to go on a champagne binge with me. Took out a patrol, as it were, the other day and brought back a truck load. Not so long ago we found a tank car of wine on a siding. Very thoughtful of the Jerries to leave it there for us.


I've been seeing quite a bit of Hitler's Reich and expect to see a lot more. Very nice country. The scenery, I mean. What our air forces left of the cities shouldn't happen to a dog house. They haven't knocked down the walls and carted away the rubble as in London so that you find whole cities, and I don't mean just large towns, that look like they had just been dug out of a mound by an archeological expedition. Which just goes to show that if you're rude to other people they are apt to be rude right back at you.


