Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to the Father of Kenneth Grant
The Ridge Hastings
G. Grant Esq. [The father of Kenneth Grant]
May 14 [1945]
Dear Mr. Grant
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Many thanks for your letter of the 12th inst with enclosure cheque .£6.0.0.
I am very sorry to part with Kenneth, as I had agreed to consent to your terms for a month, which would have given me time to get consent from my Treasurer in New York to make it permanent — and I must confess to some annoyance at being abandoned, with everything in confusion, at 24 hours' notice.
I feel moreover that he is giving up his real future. I have found it impossible to get him interested in anything but the very highly specialized work which occupies most of my time, and I am afraid that he will never devote himself to advancement in any other career, which is of course the first condition of success. On the other hand, his real abilities which are great will be totally wasted.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours sincerely
Aleister Crowley