Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland
The Ridge Hastings
22-5-'45 E.V.
Dearest Cordelia,
I am so lonely and unhappy that I don't even hear from you any more. And down here's such unimaginably perfect weather, and beauty of sea and land on every side.
There was a most formidable [illegible] at Whitsun; they roped me in to lecture on Magick. Good success, by my standard; for I elicited a lot of intelligent questions. Only 3 B.F.s [Bloody Fools], in fact.
I find myself very tired these days; Grant [Kenneth Grant], who in London had been most useful, broke down completely here. His memory went to pieces, and he had no idea of picking up the job at all. So he's back in London now.
Is there really no hope, now the first part of the was is over, of your getting a day off? Or have you forgotten me altogether?
Do make one gesture!
93 93/93.
Yours devotedly in great sadness.
P.S. I suppose enclosed are V.G. since being 70. But some seem to belong to other people, so I thought I'd send them. A.C.