Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant




Kenneth Grant Esq.



die ii [Wednesday]

[Postmarked 23 May, 1945]



CF [Care Frater]




I was a little disappointed at not hearing from you this morning, if only your news. (Please remember that this is the last week for those Personal Points: if no Choc[olate] cream, plain Chocolate; if not, barley sugar is always to be had.)


On Sunday they got me to lecture on Magick: a full audience, & from my point of view a great success; for I elicited intelligent questions. They too were surprised that I talked sound scientific sense instead of the expected “fiddle sticks, blah, baloney Bull-shit, and the Bunk”.


I got rid of some Liber Al: they insisted on paying though I offered them free.


I wish you had been there.


No needles yet! I hope you are near Wigmore St., John Bell & Croyden (corner of Welbeck St) is pretty sure to have them. No. 20 1/2 inch.


Terribly rushed; so—till later


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Fly [Fraternally]




