Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant







[Postmarked: 25 May, 1945]

die is [Saturday]



CF [Care Frater]




Very glad to hear from you: I was anxious.


Still more glad that you realize that “incompetence”. Do please learn to be accurate! “Some money for some postage” means nothing. You must really make accounts


May 19th Postage to Ray Burlinghame n.p.

May 23rd Postage to Mrs. Burlinghame  n.p

May 30th Postage to Mrs. Burlinghame  n.p

20th Bus Fares &c q.v.

20th 6 Needles 3.9


and so on—


So that I can tell what has been done, & pay the exact sum required.


This is the first condition of our going to work together—which means lots of good Karma for you!


Miss K[ingston][1] came up yesterday; we tried to straighten out the letters Mess. So far, there are some actually missing; G.O.K. [God Only Knows] how that happened. It is heart breaking; I can’t do them all over again; it is never satisfactory.


Very happy to hear of your “gathering”; but the first thing is to get all those small commissions executed.


No answer from van Oppen; but a big parcel of Tarots [Book of Thoth] came here from Bray [binder at Sangorski & Sutcliffe]; why? I didn’t need any. Do get this all clear & the books on the way to [Karl Germer].


You had no right to sign my private letter to Mrs. Felkin—not even p.p. or Secy! Wrong address, so it came back. What of that letter to J. W. Parsons [Jack Parsons]? And do send me your notebook so that I can refer to originals.


93     93/93


In haste


Fly [Fraternally]





1—Crowley's current secretary/typist.


