Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant
The Ridge Hastings
June 1 [1945]
C∴F∴ [Care Frater]
Yours of May 30 came this A.M.
Of course you are welcome—especially with the Uisge! [Whisky] But you write as if you had actually bought it, & only needed to bring it. It’s all wrong; you must learn to be systematic & accurate & unambiguous.
There used to be automatic machines (on piers & such places) with slots for pennies and electrified handles. When you took hold you couldn’t let go. How much more when you attach yourself in the most thorough & intimate way possible to a current like 93. It is good that you have now become a ‘typhoid carrier’ for the G∴W∴ [Great Work]. But now that your sense of values is getting right, you ought to be clear that all your dodging & shuffling & funking won’t work.
You must find a practice for Liber III which will not become automatic so easily. If, when I see you, you can show an arm with 50 or 60 honest cuts, I shall begin to have hopes of you. If the cut doesn’t hurt, how are you to build up the sentry at the gate of your mind? Do quit that nonsense mock Qabalah. Why not A.H. [Aeon of Horus] or A.J.C. [Aeon of Jesus Christ] or A.M. instead of A.D. [Anno Domini]! There is no magical link between that conventional date and the names chosen for magical reasons.
93 93/93
F∴ly [Fraternally]