Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer





The Ridge,




June 4. [1945]



Dear Karl,


Victory seems to have made things worse—as usual!


Those 48 letters [for Magick Without Tears] were sent registered from the P.O. at Leford (Grant's [Kenneth Grant] hometown) this A.M. They were returned to me.


Yet Miss Kingston (local typist, excellent in all ways) wrote to H.Q. and got reply that any parcel could be sent to U.S.A. no kind of restriction! So where are we?


As to the Hastings P.O. I was asked "But what state is California in?" and, after buying assorted stamps she asked me (!!!) "How much does that come to?"


It is almost impossible to buy a book you want, either in shops or by ordering from the publisher. Any edition of anything is snapped up at once—oh if I only had a printer!


I want specially "The Yogi and the Kommissar" by Arthur Koestler to help with that letter-essay on impact of 93 which you suggested.


I shall post this now: I have to see the dentist—operation No. 1—at 3.30. I hope it doesn't upset things too much.


Best love to you and Sascha [Sascha Germer]—I'm wishing hard for tomorrow's concert.






