Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant







June 4 [1945]



CF [Care Frater]




Nothing from you this A.M. All you seem to have done is the sweets & the Note-book! Really!


The “48 letters”[1] sent to [Karl Germer] have been returned to me by the P.O. [Post Office]—why? Miss K[ingston].[2] wrote to some H.Q. & got a letter back that you could send any parcel—no restriction on anything.


So where are we?


Needles. Nothing from Heppells or from you.


Tried Chemists (opposite barber) they had plenty!


Scarlet Button.[3] First lending library I tried had a copy; they are reserving it for me when it comes in.


Cowtan. I will send you (to Ilford) a note of the way I want you to get him to dispatch the various things.


I hope your holiday is doing you good, and that you will come back full of beans, and with your mind quite clear and your will set on getting these commissions executed.


93     93/93


Fy [Fraternally]




[Written on back of envelope:]


P.S. Library just rang up to say Scarlet Button came in this morning!



1—These 'Letters' from Aleister Crowley were being written for what would eventually become a book whose working title was "Aleister Explains Everything." The letters were eventually published posthumously by Karl Germer in 1954 as Magick Without Tears.

2—Crowley's current secretary/typist.

3—A mystery novel by Anthony Gilbert (Lucy Beatrice Malleson)


