Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry
The Ridge St. Leonards-on-Sea
7th June, 1945
Dear Grady,
Thanks very much for your letter of May 28th.
I understand the part about the journey to Pilsen! But when you get back to the Evolution of Social Concepts and things of that sort, I am completely at a loss.
The first paragraph on your second page does make things a little clearer to me, but I very much doubt the possibility, or even the desirability, of such an arrangement.
You see, the present Aeon is that of the Child and stands for individual development. I doubt whether it will be possible to educate any single human being in a society which is organized to anything like the extent which you contemplate. It seems to me that education is a matter not of 15 or 20 years, but of 50, and the person educated must do the bulk of it himself. Now such a person will want to do all sorts of crazy things; under the present system, if he is lucky enough to have position and property sufficient for such purposes, he can carry them out. If he is tied down to being a functionary in any kind of organization, he will miss just those irresponsible adventures which to my mind are the most important things in anyone's education.
You do not seem quite to grasp the definition of Magick. It really amounts to little more than that kind of science which has not got down to the New York Examiner.
I think when you have read my Letters on the subject you will see what I mean. At present I am working very hard trying to get the series complete.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry 1814th Ord S&M Co (Avn) A.P.O. 149 U.S. Army