Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Bernard Crow





The Ridge




June 9 [1945]



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Many thanks for sending the die so promptly.


I return Redmond's letter herewith. As for advice ____ I never heard of the A and V Rite of C.A.


But, in general, all those high-sounding names mean nothing. "The Confraternity of Christ the King"! No.


Any "new religion" must have (1) a Sacred Book (2) a slogan (3) a definite , intelligible, and practical programme!


With Thelema (e.g.) you can say to the Man in the Pub: "Rotten beer, this, what? Vote for Thelema, and get the good old stuff that was beer." To the Girl with the Baby coming: "Don't worry! With us you are specially honoured for defying the tyrants, and fulfilling your Duty to Nature." And so on.


People want something tangible for their money. Most of your lot seem to want something for nothing. It cuts both ways,, hence, no business is done.


I fear I am unlikely to be in London before November, and then only if the Gods hand me an A.!. flat on a gold plate!


Love is the law, love under will.


With every good wish,






