Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
12 June 1945
Pleasant indeed to get yours of 8th. Blame Dentist for delay in reply. Yes, better to write to Mrs. N.S. only make it quite clear that you are sire to Oliver [Oliver Wilkinson]. Yes, again, the weather in these parts is impossible and May or June is the best time of year as a rule. I will expect to see you about June 25, or July 4th. If no hope here, ask her to use her emergency powers. It is usually possible to get a single for an odd night or so elsewhere, though I must say this is as bad a time next to Whitsun or Aug. B______ as for ___ pick. This dentist makes me very lazy, so letters must be brief and chill. Forgive the victim!
Aleister 9---