Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant







June 21 [1945]



CF [Care Frater]




Thanks for yours recd [Wednesday]. But none this A.M. I asked you for a daily report. All these trifles are tests, & you fail at every one. You insisted on having the Examination paper. You make no attempt to answer it.


Jermyn St [93 Jermyn Street].


You say nothing of what you have fixed with Cowtan. You don’t send Bertrand Russell’s Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy.


You were close both to F & M [Fortnum & Mason] & to H & B [Hedges & Butler] but no word of the whisky.


It’s all very unsatisfactory. You must put a sock in it, if you still want to work with me for the Order.


93     93/93


F [Fraternally]




