Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




July 9 1945



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


Thanks for your postcard. If you cannot find Cowtan's [& Sons, Ltd.] it is somewhere near Sloane Square and deals with furniture, internal decoration and so on. Mrs. Sutherland [Cordelia Sutherland] introduced me to him. You say nothing about Adamses, their telephone is London 0862 Regent. They have probably kept their number even if they have been blitzed. Frightfully bust this afternoon keeping my eye on the sky in the hope that it will clear in time for the Eclipse. At present it is very cloudy, which I regret. I do not know if it will mean anything in your boring life, but I shall be in Oxford one day next week. Forgive this brevity and thanks very much for all the trouble you have gone to on my behalf.


Love is the law, love under will






