Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
Louis Wilkinson Grove Heart Ripley Surrey
July 12 1945
Dear Louis
Thanks for P.C. [Post Card]. In ’41 Directory Cowtan & Co is in big black type 11A West Halkin St S.W.3 (SLO 9161)
Adamsons was REG 0862 at 12 Sackville St. I’m seeing them in Oxford so can ask.
If I knew the day I was in London, I would ask you to lunch.
What is your telephone No.? I’m browned off and X.O.P. so no more.
Where can I get a good lunch in London? If at all?
Ever yours
[Enclosed in A.C.’s hand:]
Adamson [tailor] 12 Sackville St ? moved
Have they sent a man to 93 [93 Jermyn Street]. to make a list of my clothes?
If not: (a) will they do it at once (b) get another man, perhaps an auctioneer or whatever it is.
Cowtan (Moving) Sloane Sq
Are they taking & storing or causing to be stored all at 93 exc. clothes—woolens only to be left at 93? If not, get another firm.