Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
21 August 1945
Dear Louis
Yours of even date! I reply, though enclosed has not encouraged me about the address. Glad to hear of the Bourkes—my love in return. Weather here incredibly, impossibly awful. Bathing!!?!! Never 1/2 hour in one mood. One walks from sunlit room, reaches the front door, and it's pelting. U.S.W. [sic] No London for me par peine forte et dure. Am I crazy? "I look forward to seeing Liber AL III 7.8" ?—? You've had it for 40 years. Don't you realize The Book of the Law? Sending a marked copy in case you haven't one by you. Listen: this is serious. That is, if you're serious as a "rebel" dyed in the wool. We could explode a psychic Atomic Bomb with it, your literary skill, and my infamy as a Magus. Rather on the lines of the Elders of Zion, perhaps. Give the world a real scare. I have some very good ideas, and know enough science to make it convincing. Lesser matters when we meet.