Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Sascha Germer
The Ridge, Hastings.
My dearest Sascha,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I have your letter of Sept. 12th, and am eagerly looking forward to your delightful present, which I hope will have arrived before this comes back from the typist. (P.S. Alas no!)
I am terrifically over-worked with all sorts of odds and ends and I cannot get adequate assistance. I want someone for at least 3 days a week in the afternoons; that would enable me to keep up with the work as it comes along.
I wonder why you people do not get together, and send over some suitable person for training. It could be done quite easily I think if you can find the person. I had hoped that Mc Murtrie [Grady McMurtry] would have stayed here for 3 months on his discharge, but they have shot him off to San Francisco. Mellinger [Frederic Mellinger] would probably be useful, but he has not even been able to see me at all yet.
When I think of how easy everything was 50 years ago it makes me despair of the world. The muddle of my own affairs is a perfect picture of the muddle everywhere.
I appreciate your tenderly worded good wishes for my birthday. Agape Lodge has sent me a marvellously beautiful fountain pen in a case to match it. The only thing that interferes with my complete satisfaction is that I cannot yet get it to write! However it only arrived this morning, and I shall take it down to an expert and see what he can do about it. I did: he was utterly baffled!
All the best to you. I will write again as soon as this stress of over-work lightens a little.
All my love to Karl [Karl Germer].
Yours ever,