Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
28 Oct 1945
Dear Louis
No word of J.C.P. [John Cowper Powys] in the papers—that I can see; so I suppose all is well with him. But when do I see you? I need to do so badly, having important things to arrange. The gale was lively; the Chess Club faces the beach, and at any minute a mine might have come ashore, and enlivened the proceedings. I want to talk to you about Wells most dangerous articles in the Sunday Express. We don't want extra panic from a senile dement with delusions. Back of it: "I'm near death; so I can't bear to think of the race surviving; so I shall go on prophesying away like a red-faced Nixon' to that effect!". I'm much better, now nearly all the toxic roots have been removed. Annoyed this A.M. Got an "unsolicited gift" from U.S.A. cost 33.50 dollars. And I had to pay £9.19.10 to get it! I'm kicking like a steer.
Love—do write—and come down soon!