Correspondence from Karl Germer to Meeka Aldrich
October 31, 1945
Cara Soror Meeka,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,
Thanks for your letter with statement and enclosures.
As usual, you have answered your problem yourself, as one always does. "Because" is the enemy. Yet, let me say a few words. Somewhere it is said that the defunct religion taught: "Not mine by Thy Will be done", as the human speaking to God. AL [The Book of the Law] has it the other way around; The Gods tell every man and woman; "Do what thou wilt." thus giving Man his full dignity as a Star; as well as putting him on his feet with full responsibility for his actions. Fuller realization of any verse of AL, however, comes only by initiation, and that is a long process. The danger is to discuss it. "Argue not", as is repeated time and again.
The case with the Tarot [The Book of Thoth] has at last arrived, and I will certainly send you a copy as soon as I find the time, probably Saturday.
Please tell Jack [Jack Parsons] that I will at the same time send him two of the Tarot copies, and I would be happy if he could sell them, as he promised, for $50 each. I need some cash.
Love is the law, love under will.