Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
The Ridge, Baldslow, Hastings
7th November 1945
Dear Gerald,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks very much for your letter dated Novr. 3rd.
I cannot agree that Asana and Pranayama are exclusively Hatha Yoga studies. The point surely lies in the motive. I have never wanted anything but spiritual enlightenment; and, if power, then only the power to confer a similar enlightenment on mankind at large.
I think you are wrong about my history. I did practically no Yoga of any kind after my return from my first journey to India. I attempted to resume practices at Boleskine and elsewhere, and could not force myself to do them. The Samadhi is a sort of by-product of the operation of Abramelin.
Now about your Newnham lady [Eliza M. Butler]. She interests me very much. I have no books for sale at all except The Book of Thoth. There are a number I believe in storage in one or two places, but it is impossible to get them out until I have a more or less permanent headquarters, and somebody to do all the business part of it. I am hoping to get someone over from America, as far as that is concerned, and then, goodness knows where the cash is coming from!
Funny your mentioning Inky [P.R. Stephensen]. I wrote a letter to the Sunday Despatch a few weeks ago, and one most unexpected result was a letter from Stuart R. Cope, who thinks he can do some printing for me. I hope to goodness he can.
Back to Miss Butler: she could of course have Letters [from Magick Without Tears] from the series: it is one guinea a letter or 30 letters at her choice for ten guineas. I think you have a list of the subjects.
It would certainly save a lot of time and trouble for all of us if she came down here. It is quite easy to get accommodation until Christmas draws nigh. It would be best to telephone Baldslow 19, and arrange with Mr. Richardson [Ralph Richardson], mentioning my name. It is extremely comfortable here, and the food more than first-class. But do not let her hang about till Christmas begins to threaten.
I am interested in these alleged invocations from Cefalù. Could I have details?
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours ever,