Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




10 Nov 1945






Dear Louis


Thanks for yours—you stirred them A.1.—got their letters next A.M. and the booty last night. So we'll be able to boost the 47th fairly well. F.S. (see encl.) is a -n plus 1. I wrote for a 2R Royal Court Diary—you've seen many—and they send this drivel. If your're passing, (if not, don't trouble!) a swap might work. After your bitter comments and last year's fiasco, what else can I do? The special ink has just come in from L.A., with a real grimoire of warning against using it. I don't know how they expect people to fill all these crazy conditions, and I don't like the ink or the pen either, now it does work. More or less! Always missing a stroke, and at the best I can get no character into the script. But indeed the lines are exquisite, from the artists 'p-o'-v[point-of-view]. Tuesday I've got Evan Morgan to lunch; he brings Mrs. Wellington Koo and the Countess of Kenmure. If you know either woman, 'phone me description, if useful. Very bored and busy, and—oh damn this farting pen!






