Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa late December 1945]
I am very well pleased with Jack [Jack Parsons] these days. I understand what he has been doing, and somewhat of his progress in Matters of Importance. He, I am sure, keeps you informed of what he is or is not accomplishing along these lines. Much too personal for me, and beyond most of my actual knowledge, I believe.
McMurtry [Grady McMurtry] passed through on his way to San Francisco; arrived at 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue] on a Tuesday and left Thursday. I did not see him, but he expects to return January 5, when I shall do so. I was very happy to learn from him that your health is better, barring the asthma. He also stated that he used his last furlough to go all over London looking for "The Yogi and the Commissar", a copy of which I mailed you long ago! ! Damn, and twice damn.