Correspondence from David Curwen to Aleister Crowley




7a Melcombe Street

Baker Street, NW1



Dec. 31st, 1945



Aleister Crowley Esq.



Dear Brother,


Since you were kind enough to reply to my letter to which I hardly expected an answer, there being very little to say after all that has transpired, I send you this to thank you.


The set of "letters" that you promised will be gratefully received. But if you have to be put to expense to procure them because of the work of typing, then I say to you, forget them, and do not worry any more about it. This does not mean that I do not want them; I merely do not want to add to your burden, that's all.


About wanting to meet people who are in the O.T.O., it is curious to me that you do not understand how much I would like to meet people with the same tendencies as my own. Again and again I have reiterated the fact that all my life I have been a "lone wolf" and now I feel that it would be a good thing to exchange views with others of a like mind. I wonder how you would go on if with all your studies, you had not met up with a single person in years with whom you could exchange thoughts. Knowing you, I believe you could not bear to exist under such conditions.


I have to laugh when you say quite seriously "But what the devil is your object. I can only imagine some sinister and hostile motive; and as I can't believe you such a cad, I remain baffled." Are you not exaggerating a bit, or play acting to cover up what you cannot or will not tell me? You know damn well, I would never speak about our subject to a living soul that knew nothing about it, if only for common sense sake (so called). You must have seen the kind of person I am; although I must say so for myself, "trustworthy unto death," so for the love of Mike, don't ever talk in this strain to me again. Once before you imagined I was somebody out of Scotland Yard, or from "Parker p.c."


Just think, I will explain again for the nth time. Knowing to my disappointment there was no O.T.O., I hoped that at odd times, a few of your occult acquaintances might meet together to discuss things, or try out some ritual as you appeared to have done in the past. I just wanted to be in on it, to put it vulgarly. Am I asking too much for my money? Having told you this again, now do as you like; for my part, I intend to go on as before, even if I never hear from you again. I can see now that I cannot expect much more than I can read in your books from you, which does not call for more than a few pounds whenever I feel the urge.


As for those great occult students who feel that Jews are different and made by a different God that The Great Architect of the Universe, who created all things, such do not even know the elements of occult knowledge and deserve contempt. And taking another view, soon an intelligent person comes to the knowledge that as well as there is the filthy and foul in every species, there are the pure and Gold along them too. God is the creator of the whole universe, not of certain bits of it only.


I sincerely hope that you knew that I was of Jewish extraction before I came to see you, and that your tastes were not offended by seeing me. Everybody, even Jews themselves, suffer from Jews, but so do they also suffer from every other scum, whatever their colour, religion, race, sex, etc., etc. Let those who do not like Jews, join partnership with the man from Newcastle as you so elegantly put it. "I am unique & conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned & dead. Amen." Liber AL.


All this talk is wasted energy leads nowhere—and if you care to lend me your Confessions I will consider it a favor and look after the books and return them safely. A Happy New Year to you.


D. Curwen


Certainly I will give you any help I can with the elixir experiment—and anything else. D.C.


