Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke





The Ridge




Jan 2 [1946]



Dear Gerald,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


So many thanks for your marvellous New Year's Present!


What charming personality! And how perfect the sympathy, understanding and consideration did she [Professor Eliza M. Butler] shew to me!


These days I am liable to exhaustion, and I had to pull myself together all the time; but I hope I did not disappoint her.


One very remarkable discovery she made by chance. In Cagliostro's "Letter au peuple anglais" which I have never read, he gives a list of the people that had injured him, and the stickiness of their various finishes. Exactly as in my "Thumbs Up!"


I am now trying to catch up with my mail after the Xmas outrage; so à rividerci!


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever,




Happy New Year to yourself, Angela [Yorke's wife] and the offspring.




