Correspondence from Jack Parsons to Aleister Crowley
21 Jan 46
I have diligently followed the VII° instructions as (a) creation of new orders of beings with consecrated talismanic images. Possible connective result—increase in working output. (b) Invocation of Mother Goddess, using Priest's call in mass and silver cup as talisman—sometime use suitable poetry such as Venus. Possible connective result—loss of Betty's [Betty Northrup] affections as preliminary to ? (c) Invocation of Air elemental kerub RZLA in Enochian Air Tablet.
Altar in East with dagger, cup, pantacle, censor, sword, lamp—Enochian air tablet prepared on parchment in colour. (2) Banishing pentagram (Bornless One, and consecration of Magical Dagger by G.D. [Golden Dawn] ritual first day only). Conjuration of sylphs, call of slyphs in English, third key in Enochian invocation of king, God name and six seniors with appropriate hexagrams, then called IDOIG/GO, RDZA, RZLA by EXARP, king and god name to four quarters with air pentagrams. (3) Invoked wand—placed marrow on RZLA in Enochian tablet, turned south and vibrated RDZA 9 times commanding RDZA to appear visibly in human form as familiar and mate. Repeating twice daily Jan 9-13. (4) Possible connective result—wind storm last 3 days—no manifestation—no other result apparent to me. I have been extremely careful and conscientious in this ritual, lending all my will and scientific training to its precision and preparation. Yet nothing seems to have happened. The wind storm is very interesting but that's not what I asked for.