Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



January 23, 1946



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I met Grady McMurtry the 17th, at which time he, Jack [Jack Parsons], Burlingame [Ray Burlingame] and myself assembled at 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue]. Roy [Roy Leffingwell] could not be there, but he had previously discussed matters with Grady and Jack, and Dick Canright [Richard Canright] had that day come down with the Flu.


The result of this meeting was another entirely new program—which may or may not have been posted as of yet.


Grady also interviewed the members separately—his notes to go to Headquarters. The notes of my interview—read back to me and which I signed—seemed rather mixed, but Grady put certain questions and these only were answered.


But he put in my mouth the statement that Jack's efforts were always sabotaged.


I don't doubt that Jack looks on it that way—in fact, I am quite sure he does—but one cannot always overlook Jack's sappyness. He has a truly fine side, but that weather-vane mind is difficult to take. He writes tip-top letters, says Thus! And So! And it gets no further than paper and ink.


Everybody at 1003—so I have been told to-day—has to dance to Betty's [Betty Northrup] whims. This I have known for some time; but I just learned yesterday that the damn fool has just recently executed a will making Betty his sole heir.


She, by the way, has transferred her emotional life into the hands of one Ron Hubbard, a very likeable Irishman, who lives there, and Jack is the platonic friend accompanying the 2 lovers here and there—the genial older brother. I would rather he got as mad as hell, accomplished something in the way of getting rid of Betty. For it could so easily be that he hopes to get her back. Meantime, they are "excellent friends", with brotherly and sisterly embraces; and Betty will continue to be custodian of the property and hostess of the manage,


The proposed set-up after 60 days; Jack & Betty in the G.[arage] apartment, Ron to have Roy's bailiwick (mind you!) for his studio, (He writes)


But Betty & Jack rented the G.[arage]-Apt.—November I think—to a Navy officer and his wife at $125 a month, accepting a deposit therefore and signing an agreement. And these 2 youngsters thought all they had to do was return the deposit! Plus a little conniving & dirty work.


But they reckoned without the wife, who is a fighter, and the Navy man, who is a lawyer. So those 2 are in. Jack served notice that he would want the apartment in 60 days. The Navy man shut his jaw and said we will see!


Ron is now the go-between.


So there is the dirt. Will Jack & Betty get in at all?


We have a new treasurer: Marie Prescott. She came to me with Meeka Aldrich's 3-months book-keeping, and it is sad indeed. Of course, this is a matter for Agape to handle, I mentioned it in connection with the amounts sent you recently. Plus this additional information.


December 22, at a Fourth Degree Council meeting, attended by Jack, Dick, Roy, Ray B., Betty and Jane, Jack presented his demand for 50% of Lodge dues and contributions. The other members agreed as stated. I added: "If you exclude from the amount the IX° dues: they cannot be paid into a IV° Lodge and must go to Headquarters." Jack countered with the statement that he would institute Ninth Degree activities, which would take care of that.


How often have I come up against Jane's thumping ignorance, stupidity and egotism, since the organization of Agape Lodge! I, too, Knew so much in Cefalu.


Love is the law, love under will.


Love to you,




P.S. I have made an extra copy of these two letters. Do you think Aleister should have them? I would spare him if you think it better so.


