Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




29 Jan 46



Dear Mr Smith


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thank you for your letter of January 21st. It is extremely good of you to offer me your copy of the Stélé [Stélé of Revealing], but I could not use it. I have my own copy made direct from the original in the Bulak Museum in Cairo.


Generally speaking, let me say that sending anything over here is a mistake; a typewriter sent to me last May has not yet arrived, though it has been in London for months. (Curious, it came while this letter was being typed).


I may say that the arm was reached out to the utmost of its power, and you would not grasp it. You played the fool with a G.M.R. [Great Magical Retirement], and this is the silliest folly that anyone can do.


Yours sincerely


Aleister Crowley.


