Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe





The Ridge,




29 . 1 . 46



Dear Estai,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Dec. 7th has been lying about unanswered for a long while. I must apologise. The fact is when I get letters piling up beyond a certain amount I make up my mind to answer none of them, and there is one wretched woman who writes a long screed to me every blasted week, and there is nothing to answer in her letters after all.


I always like to hear from you, if only for old sake's sake. I am very pleased with what you say about Jack [Jack Parsons]. He does not keep me informed of his progress, but for that I am grateful to him.


About food, nothing is any good at all except chocolate creams or chocolates with soft centers. The only point in sending other things is when they are things unusual in this country, in which case I can give them to other people.


What you say about Christopher is very interesting. It is really a most curious story about his hair. It is quite a new one on me. I hope your wishes for him may be fulfilled.


Your method is the right one in every case. Drum Thelema into their skulls, and leave the rest to their Holy Guardian Angel.


I am terribly overworked, hence the brevity of this letter. We have had a week of frosts and snow, which touched the sore spot on my right lung so I had to stay in the house, and it has left me a bit stuffy. It is a great nuisance that I don't have someone to look after me every day. My work gets into a muddle, and I have not got the energy to sort it out. What is worse, I have not got really enough space; I really do need a study of my own. Still, I struggle on as best I can. I expect you know the feeling well enough.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever,


Aleister 666.



Miss Jane Wolfe,

5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue,

Los Angeles, Calif.


