Correspondence from Jack Parsons to Aleister Crowley
2 Feb 46
Most Beloved Father.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The following is an excerpt from a magical record:—
Feb 1. Many developments. Regret failure to keep record in more detail. Have invoked goddess devotedly, coming gradually to a sensation of peace. love and beauty, which I have never known before. I feel her presence about me constantly. No manifestations as yet, but many curious phenomena. I have heard knocks in the room several times, and while I was in bed one night, the room door closed and no wind blowing, a lamp was thrown from the table to the floor after nine short, rapid knocks.
While Ron [L. Ron Hubbard] was carrying two votive lights across the kitchen, he was struck sharply, and a light knocked out of his hand and broken. On going down and turning off the lights, I saw a dim, brownish yellow shape about seven feet high. Burned sulphur and tobacco and performed banishing ritual. Figure seemed to diminish. I followed it into the library, making pentagrams with sword, and it dwindled to nothing.
Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] has called twice, whining, threatening and claiming furniture here.
The next night Ron, who has never seen Smith, described him behind me, clad in a black robe and having an evil, pasty face. He attacked this figure and pinned it to the door with four throwing knives, with which he is expert.
Later that night I was awakened by a feeling of pressure, and heard very distinctly a buzzing, metallic voice cry, 'let me go free'. I gave license to depart.
Ron appears to have some sort of highly developed astral vision. He described his angel as a beautiful winged woman with red hair, whom he calls an Empress, and who has guided him through his life and saved him many times. Her advice to him is highly Thelemic. (He himself has fiery red hair).
Recently, he says, because of some danger, she has called the Archangel Michael to guard us. When Michael is not present, he leaves his sword as a barrier. Ron describes it as a great cross pommeled, double edged sword, with two balls on the pommel in the shape of human heads. I myself have seen it as a beam of pale blue light, resembling ultra violet.
Last night, after invoking, I called him in, and he described Isis nude on the left, and a faint figure of past, partly mistaken, operations on the right, and a rose wood box with a string of green beads, a string of pearls with a black cross suspended, and a rose.
He described Isis as having knighted and consecrated me to her service.
For the last three days I have performed an operation of birth, using the air tablet, the cup and a female figure, properly invoked by the wand, and then sealed up in the altar. Last night I performed an operation of symbolic birth and delivery. Now I can do no more but wait and pray.
Recently after invoking the goddess, I have stood silently before the altar and heard a voice speak to me, or rather convey the impression of Ideas.
I am to invoke continually, this now being possible and easy.
Ron and I are to continue with our plans for the Order, no other positive action is necessary at present—needful action will be indicated as plans progress.
But concentrate on love and devotion and avoid upset or emotion from any distractions or Black Lodge activities.
This is all new to me, and I don't quite know what to make of it. I have not encountered any phenomena since I was 15, and have always been somewhat skeptical, or, should I say pessimistic on the score of manifestations. Even now there is nothing very tangible. But it is unique and very interesting. I have lost most of the old bitter mood, and come to a new experience of peace and beauty.
I have found a staunch companion and comrade in Ron. I have been suffered to pass through an ordeal of human love and jealousy, and I abide in the knowledge of the continuous presence of the star goddess.
Thrice blessed, I stand beyond pity or passion, my heart in the light, my eyes turned to the highest. Glory, I cry, Glory unto the BEAST and unto BABALON, and Hail to the Crowned and Conquering CHILD.
Love is the law, love under will.
With love in the Bonds of the Order
Thy Son, John