Correspondence from Herbert Schmolke to Karl Germer








2nd February 1946.



Dear Mr. Germer,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


With great surprise and pleasure I received your letter by air mail of the 12th January, and I am answering at once.


I knew that you were a close collaborator of Soror I.W.E., Miss Küntzel [Martha Küntzel]. Soror I.W.E. left Leipzig in June 1937 and went to Bad Blankenburg/Thur. in a home for aged teachers. In Blankenburg she continued the translations of the MSS of the Master Therion. According to my information, she died by senility. The MSS. and translations as well as the correspondence are safe. Some MSS are burnt by Soror lWE for fear of the Gestapo.


You can scarcely imagine how dangerous was the persecution by the Gestapo and the Nazi-Organization of the S.S. had the intention to turn the ideas and practices of Thelema to its advantage! You are surprised? For that reason the Gestapo confiscated these books and enquired for the brothers of our Order. Therefore, I put a veil on my Universe and invocated the forces of the New Aeon, and that with success. For all my books pertaining to Qabalah, Magick, Psychology, and so on are saved. The copies of all translations made by Soror lWE are in my possession as well as several other works of the Master Therion.


The required address is:


Herbert Schmolke, Berlin-Charlottenburg,

4, Niehuhrstrasse 72/II.


I would be very glad to see Mr. Mellinger [Frederic Mellinger] as soon as possible, for it is rather difficult to write about the circumstances of our present life. I am sure that our collaboration in respect of the Great Work of Thelema will be easier after having spoken with him.


According to your wishes I wrote to Dr. Rudolf Lindemann, Berlin-Marienfelde. This morning I received the answer of his mother, Freifrau von Oldershausen, Berlin-Lamkwitz. She told me that, her son is in Russian captivity in Nishni, Pagilsk, since August 13, 1944. Dr. L.. is surgeon in a military hospital. The house, in Marienfelee is destroyed, by bombs, and his mother lives in Lankwitz. She wishes to give her kindest regards to you and will write to her son about it all.


Do you know a Dr. Walther Pfeiffer who left Germany in 1929 for America and who is a Brother of our Order?


Love is the law, love under will.


Hoping to hear from you, I am

Fraternally yours,


Herbert Schmolke.


