Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe






[Undated: circa March 1946]



According to Frederic [Frederic Mellinger], Aleister is suffering very much from his asthma. Climbing one flight of stairs, or five minutes easy walk, is a strain. And he feels weak.


I am glad that Roy [Roy Leffingwell] has taken over. I hope this will improve conditions all around. First, that the separate groups begin to work together, which has been my goal these almost five years. Second, I hope there will be some more financial cooperation. Contributions from Agape Lodge have been contemptuously little, more like a tip to a waiter. Yours and Ray Burlingame's contributions  when you sent me direct, were much higher ($15 yours and Ray $22). As I could not break my promise to Aleister and the continuity of my transfers, I had to make up for the deficit and my average contribution to the work has been near $150. in the last 8 or 9 months. Now I am at the end and I hope Jack keeps his promise to me to send me a substantial sum.


