Correspondence from Jack Parsons to Aleister Crowley




6 March 46



I can hardly tell you or know how much to write. I am under the command of extreme secrecy. I have had the most important—devastating experience of my life between Feb 2 and Mar. 4. I believe it was the result of the 9th working with the girl who answered my elemental summons [Marjorie Cameron].


I have been in direct touch with One who is most Holy and Beautiful mentioned in the Book of the Law. I cannot write the name [BABALON] at present.


First instructions were received through Ron [L. Ron Hubbard]—the seer. I have followed them to the letter. There was a desire for incarnation. I was the agency chosen to assist the birth which is now accomplished. I do not yet know the vehicle but it will come to me bringing a secret sign. Forgetfulness was the price. I am to act as instructor, guardian, guide for 9 months. Then it will be loosed on the world. That is all I can say now. There must be extreme secrecy. I cannot tell you the depth of reality, the poignancy, terror and beauty I have known. Now I am back in the world, weak with reaction. But the knowledge remains. I have found my will. It is to serve and serve I shall. All I am or will is pledged.


I must put the Lodge [Agape Lodge] in—hands; prepare a suitable place and carry on my business to provide the suitable material means.


It is not a question of keeping anything from you, it is a question of not dwelling or thinking unduly on the matter until the time is right. Premature discussion or revelation would cause an abortion.


A manuscript is prepared which will be released to the proper persons at the right time. I must ask you to trust me. Your work has made this possible: this will crown your work with success. All the tests are right. There is no danger, save in weakness or pride. My faith is strong. I am humble before the splendour and beauty I have known and the task is before me. I ask you blessing.


