Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant





The Ridge







Care Frater,



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


It was very kind of you to send me the books, but it so happened that a complete set reached me from another source by the same post, so that I did not have to open your parcel at all, and I am returning it.


As a token of good will however, let me renew my thanks.


With regard to Marriage. The Arabs have a saying that it is like a man who puts his hand into a bag with 999 poisonous snakes and one eel; he may pick out the eel.


I could add a great deal (if I had the time) on this subject, with which in connection with the past I have a good deal of knowledge and experience.


I should have thought The Secret Glory would have hindered you. But these impulses are really insane: ordinary rules do not apply. I wonder, however, if a prophetic strain was in you when you used the word ‘furious’.


Love is the law, love under will.


Your ever,


Fly [Fraternally]




