Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Louis Wilkinson

Grove Heart





15 Mar 46






Dear Louis


Delighted to have your letter; but the arm is a nuisance. We've had two or three days real spring here; but I don't think the weather is wholly to blame. I suspect malnutrition. I would advise coming here as soon as you can, and staying as long as you can—to fill up on butter and the like. I have not been too well myself; especially, my eyes are reminding me that it is five or six years since I did anything about them. So I'm seeing an oculist on Tuesday. I don't know what to say about Bridget; these times make one wonder. But I suppose it is the True Will to be natural.






P.S. Make up your mind at once about the date of your visit, and book your room early: holidays impend.




