Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Aleister Crowley
[18 March 1946]
I would like to add a word about Jack [Jack Parsons]. I felt he was unsuited to handle the Order, and am glad Roy is taking charge; but I believe that Jack has a great future in the Work. Every so often he says something of himself, or his Work, that makes me feel it a privilege to know him. And I'm proud "as Punch."
Let me explain my feelings where Jack is concerned—my exasperation may have given a wrong slant.
Lying in bed for a time has given me possibly clearer angles. His handling of the Order has been a strain, and seemed to cancel out some things worthwhile, as, well as some good people. So that when I was told he had turned over the Order to Roy [Roy Leffingwell] for 9 months only, my first thought was, one of disappointment.
But this morning, before rising, I saw another angle: that Jack needs, (or feels he needs) the Order as an anchorage or an arena where he finally attains a solid footing. He has a job, and a big one, before him; and so far he has been somewhat ineffectual and blundering with the Order because of lack of focus? spiritual experience?, and so forth; plus this unstable mind, too easily influenced by the mood of the moment.
THERION, 666 Aleister, you mean much to me. Your addressing me in your last, as Estai finally percolated to the depths, and made me face about. May the climb out of the slough be true.