Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Louis Wilkinson

Grove Heart





19 Mar 46






Dear Louis


Here's your £3-8-9 at last. Yours of 16th to hand: many thanks for typing it. The last pair of glasses were (as I surmised) wrongly centred. The 2nd pair came yesterday; O.K. And damned if I didn't drop them and break a rim! Sealing-wax goes while the 1st pair is getting repaired. Oh! What a life! Joad  [C.E.M. Joad] comes here tomorrow. I wonder how he'll be after some ten years since I saw him. Dion Fortune is dead. There was a very secret understanding by which she acknowledged my authority; it is now a question of picking up her following—50 to 100 people at a guess. Very difficult to know what to do.


The confusion here makes it impossible for me to answer your letter of ___ till Miss K.[ingston] comes on Tuesday: so I shall close here & carry on with Forth, Beast! Where you wish to put "cashed in" in Dexter's mouth? Joad says you never sent him proofs for approval. I can't criticize the book till I've finished it; and this is still hard work, in spite of the new glasses. I'll have to get a better oculist, I fear. It's the devil—all of it! I'm really worried. "So much to do—so little done!" as Rhodes said.


Yours ever




