Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to David Curwen
The Ridge, Hastings
27. 3. 46
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have found a printer and have been snowed under getting a copy of Olla ready for the press. What with that and sending out these Words [Word of the Equinox], I have not had time till now even to read your letter.
Please forgive me, but it is always the same at the Equinox.
There is no need at all to defend yourself. You ought to realize that I think very highly of you, else I should not spend so much of my time in studying your letters.
Your present letter is extremely interesting, and I hope to study it very carefully indeed as soon as the immediate rush is over.
It is rather striking that so many of the results that you consider valuable have already been attained by me, apparently without any particular effort on my part.
Now to answer your questions:
(1) The taste depends a good deal upon the Shakti, but it should be a taste which is really indescribable. One thinks from a throw back of memory of the words "nectar" and "nepenthe."
(2) One should feel extremely bucked up, but this again would depend upon the object of the operation.
(3) One has to make physical contact between the different elements involved in the operation. It need not be an absorbent material. If, for instance, one were trying to get a house, one would place a portion of it in contact with part of the structure of that house or a talisman constructed for the purpose. The word "consumed" may be misleading; it must on no account be swallowed for that causes it to be burnt up by the fires. But you know this as well as, or better than, I do. Especially in cases of a medicinal use, it should be absorbed through the mucous membrane.
(4) Does not seem to be a question, but naturally, trying to write between single-spaced typing is not a fair test. I find that myself very painfully.
I must break off, and hope to let you know further when this agony of the Equinox is over.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
David Curwen Esq 7 a Melcome Street, Baker Street NW1