Correspondence from Karl Germer to Grady McMurtry
K. J. GERMER 260 West 72nd Street New York 23, N. Y. ENDICOTT 2-6799
March 27, 1946.
Dear Grady,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Just received the Word, and I hasten to send a copy to you.
In a letter received at the same time from A.C. he expresses with horror this fear that we might send him a pipe! I have sent off my tobacco, so please don't bother any more about that pipe. I had only mentioned in passing that you had planned to pick one out for him and that I was holding the tobacco. So here is his answer. He says, he doesn't need one anyway; second, that he easily buy one of excellent quality over there; third, that no one could but a pipe to suit his taste!
I have received a letter from Roy [Roy Leffingwell], and I think Jack [Jack Parsons] has taken the right decision.
I hear from Jane [Jane Wolfe] that you are still contemplating going over to England, and, if possible, bring Aleister back with you. A splendid idea and I wish you success. Frederick [Frederick Mellinger] just mailed me some pictures he took of A.C. during his stay with him. I am enclosing them as I thought you might like to see them. To me A.C. looks very well, but Frederic, who was overwhelmed by A.C.'s personality, his kindness to him, and the infinite trouble he took to instruct him, said his asthmatic condition was still very bad. Climbing the stairway or a five minutes' walk left him weak.
I keep on thinking he should be in a dry climate like Arizona or the Mojave desert.
Please return the pictures at your earliest convenience, as they are the only ones I have.
Hope you are feeling well.
Love is the law, love under will.
Sascha [Sascha Germer] sends her love and joins me in the Greetings of the Equinox.
Fraternally yours,