Correspondence from Karl Germer to Grady McMurtry
K. J. GERMER 260 West 72nd Street New York 23, N. Y. ENDICOTT 2-6799
March 30, 1946.
Dear Grady,
Just received another, newer, copy of the Word [Word of the Equinox], with a note to the Word S U H A L: which “means a Black Lion; but is also a god or angel of generation. Not a fox-god; Error arose from a clerical lapse in Abramelin.”
Please add this to the copy I mailed out first.
Aleister also says: “I am not interfering in the California mess, save to send McM[urtry]. an authority to take charge, subject to your approval, in case of emergency.”
May-be you heard from A.C. in the meantime. My view is that as Roy [Roy Leffingwell] has actually taken over, and as this change has led to a first step towards unification of the various groups which so far worked as cross-purposes, we ought at least give him a chance. I have never met him. I don’t think he has the personality and drive that Jack [Jack Parsons] has. But at least he can’t do any harm; and he is more mature, and there won’t be the interferences in matters of the Work which spoiled all efforts so far.
I am still thinking of going to California this summer, and before arriving in Los Angeles I will have had a chance to meet you in San Francisco.
93 93/93
Fraternally yours