Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[23 April 1946]
About Jack [Jack Parsons]: I had hesitated to write 666 my opinion on that 'illumination', but did so a few weeks ago. He replied today: "when I say that I expect it will 'blow over'—that is sufficient criticism". Please keep this to yourself.—I had no idea that there was anything like 'Jack took a beating when Grady [Grady McMurtry] was here'. And I am sorry if Jack could have taken that investigation in such a way. My view is that Jack is without question the most outstanding personality in the Order and the most promising at present. But you should be familiar with the Thelemic point, of view; and that of those responsible for initiation of a candidate. The candidate should consider all actions from his superiors in the Order as coming from allies of his own True Self. Mere human Jack with all his frailties, of which satanic pride seems to be one, is at times the enemy of his True Self, of his Godhead. He should realise that we all try to help the liberation of the latter, while it has often seemed to me that he views such acts as hostile. It is that old false viewpoint inherited from Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] with all those suspicions. Frederic [Frederic Mellinger], when he came here, soon lost that.