Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Karl Germer
1661 Sacramento St, Apt. 3 San Francisco, 9, California
26 April 1946
Dear Karl,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
First, in regards to Roy [Roy Leffingwell]. Having had several talks with him while I was in Pasadena it is my opinion that you are right in assuming that he does not have the drive and energy of Jack [Jack Parsons] at least he can act as a conciliater on the various groups down there. I have a letter from him of recent date in which he indicates that Jack does not entirely approve of his actions in running Agape [Agape Lodge], which is not surprising, and reaffirming that he is primarily an O.T.O. man, not a partisan of Agape Lodge and its past policies. He seems to be quite concerned with “Jack and his elemental”, as he calls, and I can’t say that I blame him.
It seems that my money from the GI Bill of Rights may come through after all. I am supposed to be receiving $90 a month while going to college but so far I haven’t seen a penny. However, within the week I was sent what were supposed to be my final papers and have been assured that I will receive my first check within another week. Now maybe I can buy some civilian clothing and finish paying for this typewriter. My studies have restricted all outside activities very greatly but at least I have been able to carry on my private work. I am very pleased with my course in Philosophy. We are using Bertrand Russell’s “A History of Western Philosophy” as a text with a great deal of outside reading on the author’s mentioned. Starting in the middle of the text, since I entered the second half of the year, we have examined the philosophy of St. Augustine of the early Christian Church, St. Anselm and his ontological argument, St. Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus of the Scholastics, the Renaissance, Machiavelli, Erasmus and More, Francis Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz and are now considering Locke. Really I have been getting a great deal out of it and it has given me cause to wonder just how much Jack has studied in this field. Could it be that his apparent eccentricity stems partly from being one sided? I know of course that he has a very good foundation in the physical sciences but from his “witch-craft outlook” he doesn’t seem to have much to balance it. I could be wrong on this.
In addition to Philosophy I am studying Latin, which is coming along fairly well, and beginning course in Psychology, which is giving me a great fund of information about people from a mechanical point of view, and a course in Anthropology which is giving me much needed information on the evolution of civilization from primitive societies. Altogether I would say that it is a very worth while waste of time.
Love is the law, love under will.
As ever,