Correspondence from Friedrich Lekve to Aleister Crowley





Friedrich Lekve





Mr. Aleister Crowley


The Ridge

Hastings, Sussex




29 April 1946



Dear Father!


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


I received your first short letter dated 26 Febr 46 and your second letter through Mr. Schmolke [Herbert Schmolke].


It was of course neither my intention nor my request that Schmolke forwarded my German letter to you. The letter was written for him and not for you and from this failure results the whole misunderstanding of my explanations to him which from your point of view may have the appearance of unsufficient reliance from my side on your sense of justice, but which in a letter to Schmolke had a serious sense in your interest and were no how d'you do about it and breaking down doors. I am very sorry about the delay, troubles and expenses caused by this indiscretion of Schmolke's.


I fully appreciate that for you the meaning of this German letter at times is rather obscure. So the best and most simple way for the future will be to address your exact questions concerning the mountain accident affair directly to me.


Your comment to my appointment as your representative in your letter to Schmolke is not rather encouraging a son who followed his fathers steps as the ONLY PERSON in Germany except your dear little sister [Martha Küntzel] during ten years of continuous persecution and supervision by the Gestapo whereas it is very easy for newcomers to assure their deepest devotion in springtime in order to safeguard a convenient and easy harvest.


No, I am no member of the O.T.O. and I don't wish to become any. So I am quite happy with your kind appointment merely as your personal representative which form of words compromises nobody. I do not esteem orders and lodges very highly. You personally, my father, are the ONE GIANT whom I revere in the greatest and deepest devotion. I do NOT revere lodges orders and such men as Germer [Karl Germer], Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones], Mathers [MacGregor Mathers] and the many. Saints squinting for compliments and reverence to their sometime dubious holiness. The only O.T.O. man I knew in Germany was that funny little Eugen Grosche the very occultist type for business sake who are always the cancers feeding themselves from the blood of spiritual giants like you. And I am afraid there will be more of such cancers.


My own spiritual experience began in 1929 and grew from grade to grade until a climax in 1944. Expressed in grades I feel authorised to say that my spiritual experience corresponds to that of an Major Adept and 9th degree of O.T.O. This spiritual growth took place in a daily and intimate contact with the Holy Stele [Stélé of Revealing] and the Book of Thelemic Law and the result was an identification with the law as you will find it very seldom indeed in the whole world. So I feel to be your personal representative "until further notice" and the representative of the Thelemic Law until the end of my life, even if you, my father, would prefer to reject and push me from your side.


I was very glad to see from your letter, that a celebrated English novellist is now at work abridging the commentary to the Book of the Thelemic Law [Book of the Law] and writing an essay to explain the whole of the business, and that this will be issued with the text of the Book itself as the basis for every thing in order to put Thelemic Teaching before the average reader in a form which he can understand. It was just the book of the Thelemic Law which I have edited in various comments to my friends in many places of Germany and this took place when Nazi control tried to oppress each thought of freedom and free will. This was done as from my own experience, this Law of the New Aeon is much more important than any Mystic and Magic, and from my own experience I know that daily invocations and meditations in connection with the stele and referring to the revelations of the Book of the Law are developing quite automatically the secret power of the soul. From my point of view our first and most essential task, as far as my person is concerned, is to train Thelemites and so I did continuously during the past ten years. I should be glad to hear your opinion re this point.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours sincere and very obedient son


Friedrich Lekve


