Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
Louis Wilkinson Grove Heart Ripley Surrey
6 June 46
Dear Louis
Thanks for yours. Should have answered it before, but the whole place is upset, Vernon [Vernon Symonds] having got into the clutches of a con man, and Johnnie [Johnnie Symonds] and Sylvia having asked me to go to the rescue. Nor can I answer it now! The proofs of OLLA were there when I called with a meat axe this P.M. and I must return them on Tuesday. Your Essay will demand long and careful consideration, and I want to dictate the answer when I do find time. Also, my new glasses are promised definitely for Tues or Wed; so don't get anxious if you don't hear from me till next Friday or Saturday. I am just squeezing in time for a ______ to scrawl this.
Yours as ever
Pray for me over Whitsun!