Correspondence from Karl Germer to Grady McMurtry
K. J. GERMER 260 West 72nd Street New York 23, N. Y. ENDICOTT 2-6799
June 11, 1946.
Dear Grady,
Thanks for yours of June 4th with the photos of ‘Foxie’ [Marjorie Fox]. She looks very nice and likeable, so we both are looking forward to meeting her. Our plans are unchanged, so we expect to be in San Fran about July 20. I’ll wire you from some place enroute a day or so ahead. We want to stay in S.F. two days. Sascha [Sascha Germer], to see one or two of her friends on business. We don’t know yet where we’ll stay. Usually we want to avoid the big cities and hotels, because of overcrowding, and we don’t bind ourselves to a rigid schedule demanding reservations way ahead of time. So we rather take what we can get. With the car one can always stay in a bungalow camp outside of the city and drive in to town when necessary.
Thanks a lot of the $35 M.O. [Money Order] which has been credited to your account. It is of a great help at this moment where preparations cost so much and I can’t add the usual on my behalf.
It seems now that Jack [Jack Parsons] has clearly turned traitor. He tried for quite some time to get A.C. to send him all the rituals which he did not have before. Aleister got suspicious and withheld them. It now turns out that Jack has kept in touch with Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] right along, and has been working and operating under his orders. He has paid Smith $2000 immediately after the sale of the house! I don’t remember in my fairly long life of any case as brazenly treacherous as this, while he was enjoying the open, frank, and full confidence of A.C.’s, who spontaneously sent him all kinds of MSS, books, and what not. I’ll see what I’ll do when I arrive on the spot. I have been thinking whether you could not go along to Los Angeles for a few days with us, or come shortly after our arrival after I have taken my bearings, and look into things together.
If I have the time I will make a copy of a recent letter from A.C. of which I have sent the pertinent passages to Jack.
There is nothing on my mind at the moment. So until we meet in San Francisco: so long!
93 93/93
All the best to yourself and Foxie from Sascha and yours
Encl. 2 photos.