Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Louis Wilkinson

Grove Heart





13 June 46






Dear Louis


Well Miss K.[ingston][1] came up yesterday; but my eyes were so bad that I just couldn't get down to yours of May (June?). The new glasses came this A.M. so I can 'do it now'. (I found that by the time I had got the words in my mind, the sense of phrase had escaped me. Funny. Yes but awkward). This morning I was knocked over by bad news. Kirk of the Chess Club died yesterday A.M. I knew him but slightly, yet I feel that I have lost a dear friend. A man of infinite charm. I had gone down to Ch[ess] C[lub] especially to ask how he was. Somehow I expected the worst.


Well, to your letter! My point was that you had succeeded in making sense—which to me; spoils it. In my fish story there were 4 men in the boat, off in Deal. The 2nd says as you say. But the 3rd You B.F. that's not a plaice; it's a Brighton dab. And the 4th. Then what's it doing off Deal?


Eyes still uneasy. I must go to Mr. Affleck Greeves in Wimpole St. I have often wondered why eminent specialists nearly always have such curious name. It doesn't happen in any other profession. Will struggle with Essay over week-end, and comment when Miss K comes Monday.






P.S. Suggestions for Title. The Spark. The Black Lion. The Obeah and the Wanga. The Fiery Serpent.



1—Crowley's secretary/typist at the time.


