Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to David Curwen
The Ridge Hastings
14. 6. 46
Dear Brother Aleph Aleph Lamed,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
Your missing letter turned up in due course yesterday, as also did my missing parcel.
I wish I had got the letter in time, it would have been nice to have you to lunch here where the food is really so good, and it would have given us a little extra time for conversation and saved you, beside the lunch, the cost of a taxi. Moral—next time telephone!
I think the other matters in your letter have been covered by our conversation so I will not take up any more of your time.
I have just sent off a letter to Miss Kindred [Barbara Kindred], asking her for the data of her horoscope. If she does not know exactly what is wanted, you will no doubt be good enough to help her.
As far as I could see, you enjoyed yourself fairly well this time, and I hope that if so it will encourage you to pay another visit very speedily.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
David Curwen Esq.