Correspondence from David Curwen to Aleister Crowley
7a Melcombe Street Baker Street, NW1
June 18th, 1946
My Dear Crowley,
Your letter of the 14th to hand for which many thanks.
Of course, as you may guess, "Hamsa" [Barbara Kindred] had a very pleasant and interesting day on Tuesday, and so did I.
Trying to project myself on Sunday morning after awakening from sleep at about 8 A.M., I found myself in your company in a dream. You were wearing a pale blue smock, Russian type, of the palest blue silk. Later I was lost in the guest house, in which we were together. I looked for room 26. You told me of 92 and 93 in connection with something else. Anyway, you were fooling around, and so was I, and you looked much younger, with a high domed bald head and forehead.
This is the curiosity, Hamsa lent me her book of your Confessions and as I read on, I found that you took a vellum bound book of theKabbalah [The Kabbalah Unveiled] with ribbons to tie, with you on your trips, and to my surprise, there on pages 92 and 93 I was reminded that I bought in a book shop weeks ago the very copy belonging to you that you took with you. The book is full of your notes and figures.
When I bought the book by Macgregor Mathers, I had an idea it might have been yours in the past, and that is why I bought it. Reading your Confessions a day or so ago proved it. You mention the numbers of the very pages in my dream. Whether I was really projected or not, I do not know.
As to the last paragraph, there are times when I know I am out of my body, but other times when I am out but still go on dreaming and when I awake cannot tell the difference.
I will be returning your book Moonchild to you in due course, meanwhile I am still reading it.
I have not yet seen Grant [Kenneth Grant], but will tell you when I do.
Best wishes for your good health.
Yours Fraternally
D. Curwen