Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




25 June 46.



Thanks! I sent these notes [Danish kronen] to you Monday, but by accident they could not be handed in. Here they are! They are worth from £12.10.0 to 15£. By end June I must pay two doctors, 1 chemist, an oculist, an optician, bits on account to a dentist and a printer; so I am howling for cash! Could you be a sport and send me £10 on account of notes before you leave? It would help so much.


Yes: I've given up reading till I have seen my specialist on 27th; but I read a good bit of the Essay and it seems vastly improved. Hope to have gone through it 3 times before you return. Let me know date, won't you.


Would you mind putting any used stamps you may come across for a small boy friend of Johnnie's [Johnnie Symonds]. I envy you your voyage, if not your company. Still, luck may send you one conversable person in the rabble of pompous nonentities.


In great haste






