Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Karl Germer
1661 Sacramento St, Apt. 3 San Francisco, 9, California
June 25 1946
Dear Karl,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thought I would drop you a few lines in hopes of catching you before you leave New York. You must forgive me for not writing sooner but school has just ended and I was simply snowed under getting through my final examinations.
What you have to say about Jack [Jack Parsons] is a real blow, but one that has to be faced. I should like to know more about your source of information but of course you can tell me all about that when you get here. I should like very much to accompany you to Los Angeles but it may not be possible. I am supposed to go to work for United Airlines as an Assistant Passenger Agent on this coming Wednesday. Anyway I will do what I can to get you oriented before you get down there.
Unless Sascha [Sascha Germer] has made arrangements for her friends to find accommodations for you you will be welcome to stay with us. We have an extra wall bed that we pull down for guests and merely shove our bed into the living room.
I don’t suppose you have another copy of that little work with the five holy books in it. If not I would appreciate it if you would or could bring me MS. of Liber Trigrammaton, Liber LXI vel Causae, Liber Cordi Scinctise Pente vel LXV, and Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli VII.
Just got through writing to Aleister and I made an extra copy of the letter. Thought you might be interested in seeing it.
Guess that’s all for now. Be seeing you soon.
Love is the law, love under will.
As ever,