Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to John Symonds







18 July 46



Dear John Symonds.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. (When hurried or lazy, may shorten to 93)


How surprised and delighted I was this morning to get your letter. I know well that feeling you had about Hastings. Sometimes it's just a room. I've been comfortable and happy for two or three years here and suddenly "Another half-hour of this, and I explode". So I move all the furniture around—sometimes in the middle of the night!


I too felt all day that you were uneasy. You said, re Olla, for a start, rather glum: "Do you think that representative?" as if you thought it pretty poor stuff. (Of course it is only selections from minor works). Naturally I didn't expect you to—or want you—to gush; but perhaps because the weather was depressing me also. I felt that you were disappointed. It is obvious that reading under bad conditions quite vitiates one's judgment. I have read over a sure masterpiece for the 45th time, and found it a bore; a 46th reading restored the true vision.


So much for that.


No, not quite. Perhaps the deliberate juxtapositions of contraries is a shock or an annoyance. Poem No. n puts you in a mood unsuited to appreciate P[oem] No. (n plus 1). Perhaps one should get up and walk round one's chair three times between each poem!


Pause of 24 hours. Frieda Harris rang up that she was coming down for the day; so I had to talk from 1.45 - 8.30 P.M. non-stop, which exhausted me. She can be one of your key women for the "Society". I suggest "The Green Lion" for name, as in Alchemy that represents the restoration of life of the Black Crow's Head. You can reach her at Castle Hotel, Brecon, S. Wales. If you like, I will send you a list of such key-folk—e.g. Lady Aberconway, Lady Kenmare, Mme Wellington Kee, Viscount Tredegar [Evan Morgan], Marquess of Donegal (what has happened to him?) and say a dozen others less prominent as Capt Gerald Yorke 5 Montagu Sq W.1. I suggest getting on to this last at once. If he reacts as he should, he is a very rich man, and might help in that way, only he has a phobia about doing business with me personally, and is in general rather a dangerous explosive!


Yesterday the printer called and I should be able to send you paged proofs [for Olla and pull of F.H's [Frieda Harris] cartoon before the end of next week. I shall use the John [Augustus John] portrait as Frontispiece, and the F.H. on the dust cover.


I gave him Liber Aleph (The Book of Wisdom or Folly) to estimate. This is my most advanced book on Magick etc. I will send you a typescript to read—just to give you an idea. Probably many typist's errors.


Please remember me to Madame! I hope to see more of you both soon.


Love is the law, love under will. (For short 93     93/93)


Yours sincerely,


Aleister Crowley.


