Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
27 July 46.
Welcome Home! Yours of the 26th—Eyes, promised to show beginning improvement after a month, did actually do so on 13th day! But I wouldn't accept this—wish-phantasms etc.,—until on 20th day no doubt could possibly remain. It has continued, despite very occasional test puffs—just to make sure that there was no "Yen". Praise to the Gods! A pity about the Gulf. Perhaps next time, better luck. But it must be fine and warm, of course. You can be sure of a room here (or 'out') for a day or so if you telephone. New house progresses fast.
We ought to have a long talk; the Parsons [Jack Parsons] mess is too complex for letters. But he is penitent, and will, I feel sure, make good. I have long letters which you must read. So arrange a date—early. Sorry you had so much trouble with the Crowns. But Kings and Princes have had similar experience. No trouble here with 10 Kr[ona] notes. Wrong. You complained no good typist in town. I said "Here, 2 good ones" and gave you names. No idea of responsibility.
Yours ever